This very term is most commonly used internationally to achieve world peace. The question is, is it really possible to love every one in the world and accept every one as our own brothers and sisters? Well, answer is conditionally yes. And the condition would be your acceptance of Universal Fatherhood. If you accept the Universal Fatherhood of Supreme Personality of Godhead, yes, Universal Brotherhood is most certainly possible, very logical and would be a much appreciated truth much beyond the blind religious sentiments! (A religious practice without knowing the actual philosophy behind is a mere sentiment, of course!) Irrespective of what religion we follow, we have to start reading our own scripture. You should not only read, but try to understand the true essence of Bhagavad-Gita/Quran/Bible/Guru Granth Sahib or whatever is the authentic prescribed Scripture of your Religion or belief. God is the creator of all the creatures living and all the things non-living. Our souls are qualitatively (and NOT quantitatively) same as God's. And when I mean souls - its not just human souls. If we read our scriptures with an attempt to Love God (and not just as a ritual), we would all come to the same conclusion that every soul is a creation of God, very much loved by God. Father loves his all kids - but If one brother hurts the other, would father not be unhappy? Will father not be happy if all his kids are helping each other in the time of crisis? Once each of us understand that we are the children of same God, we would start loving each other in the true sense - I guess. If you start loving God, you would start loving Him in all ways and all his creation - manifested and unmanifested !!! And of course you would start loving all the souls irrespective of whether they are in the form of human or they are in the form of animal. Magically True Universal Brotherhood :) Very much possible - again, conditionally!!
Truly wishing for the Universal Brotherhood,
Ramchander Kunta
Labels: universal brotherhood
Great perception..!! thats true that if we accept the truth that we are all kids of the same father, an universal God, it might be possible to execute the universal brotherhood..But its pretty difficult too.
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